User Contributed MET/CAL PROCEDURE ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: PM3375 Sub3 DATE: 07-Apr-97 AUTHOR: User Contributed REVISION: ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 12 NUMBER OF LINES: 228 CONFIGURATION: HP 3325A ============================================================================= STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 IEEE [SRQ OFF] 1.002 ASK- P F 1.003 ASK+ X 1.004 PIC 55sc_ac (3,15,R/W) "Connect the 3325A SIGNAL to the " 1.004 PIC (4,15,R/W) "UUT A input using a 50ź feedthrough" 1.004 PIC (5,15,R/W) "termination." 1.004 PIC (6,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (7,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (8,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (9,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (10,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (11,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (12,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (13,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (14,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (15,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (16,15,R/W) 1.004 PIC (17,15,R/W) "Connect a 10X scope probe to the UUT B " 1.004 PIC (18,15,R/W) "input. Connect probe end to UUT CAL.C" #30.003 5500 1Vpp 20kH SI SC S 1.005 IEEE [@3325] FU 1; AM 1 VO; FR 20 KH 1.006 RSLT =Is a triggered square wave of 6 div. height displayed? 1.007 IEEE VER A,ATT 1E+00,VER B,ATT .1E+00, 1.007 IEEE FCN ON,HOR MTB,TRG TRI,TSO B,TIM .1E-03[10] 1.008 MESS NOTE: Ch.A will not be triggered. 1.009 EVAL Is the Ch B signal well triggered? #31.001 5500 1Vpp 20kH SI SC S 2.001 IEEE TSO COM[10] 2.002 MESS Are {two well triggered signals displayed}? 2.002 MESS 2.002 MESS NOTE: If necessary, adjust TRIG LEVEL for a triggered 2.002 MESS signal and Ch A Y POS to separate traces. 2.003 EVAL 3.001 MESS 3.002 DISP Disconnect the scope probe from the UUT. 3.003 HEAD {Horizontal deflection: freq response 1} # 3.004 PIC 55sc_al 3.004 RSLT =Is the Horizontal line > 4.2 divisions? #32.005 5500 30mVpp 50kH SI SC S L 3.005 IEEE [@3325] FU 1; FR 50 KH;AM 30 MV 3.005 IEEE [@3325] [GTL] 3.006 IEEE SET AUT,VER A,POS LOCAL,VER B,POS LOCAL,MSC AUX, 3.006 IEEE XPOS LOCAL,VER A,ATT 5E-03,CPL DC,HOR EXD,FCN ON, 3.006 IEEE VER B,FCN ON,VER A,FCN OFF[10] 3.007 DISP Adjust 3325A for a horizontal line of 6 divisions. 3.008 IEEE [@3325] IAM[I] 3.009 MEM* 1000 3.010 ASK- N #32.009 5500 5 0.03Vpp 50kH LS SC N L 3.011 MESS #32.011 5500 Vpp 2MH LS SC S L 3.012 IEEE [@3325] FU 1; FR 2 MH;AM [MEM] MV 3.013 EVAL Is the Horizontal line > 4.2 divisions? 4.001 DISP Disconnect the test setup. 4.002 ASK+ N 4.003 HEAD {Cursors: voltage cursor accuracy} 4.004 DISP Set the PG 506 front panel controls as follows: 4.004 DISP AMPLITUDE ................. 1 V 4.004 DISP function switch ........... STD AMPL 4.004 DISP AMPLITUDE VARIABLE ........ in 4.005 PIC 55sc_a (3,9,R/W) "Connect the PG 506 STD OUTPUT" 4.005 PIC (4,9,R/W) "to the UUT "A" input." #33.003 5500 1Vpp 1kH ZQ SC S L 4.006 IEEE SET AUT,MSC AUX,XPOS LOCAL,MEM ON, 4.006 IEEE VER A,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,ATT .2E+00,CPL DC,FCN ON, 4.006 IEEE VER B,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,FCN OFF, 4.006 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL,TRG TRI,TSO A,TIM .1E-03, 4.006 IEEE SPL CURSOR,FIRST 0500,SECOND 3500,PEAK ON,FCN ON[10] 4.007 MESS CENTER the trace. 4.008 MESS 4.009 EVAL {Does the DELTA VOLTAGE measure between .93 and 1.03 volts?} 5.001 MESS 5.002 DISP Disconnect the test setup. 5.003 HEAD {Cursors: time cursor accuracy} 5.004 PIC 55sc_a (3,15,R/W) "Connect the TG 501 MARKER OUT " 5.004 PIC (4,15,R/W) "to the UUT A input." 5.005 DISP Set the TG 501 MARKER SELECTOR to 1ms. #34.003 5500 1mT MK SC S L 5.006 IEEE SET AUT,MSC AUX,XPOS LOCAL,MEM ON, 5.006 IEEE VER A,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,ATT .5E+00,CPL DC,FCN ON, 5.006 IEEE VER B,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,FCN OFF, 5.006 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL,TIM 1E-03,TSO A,TRG TRI, 5.006 IEEE SPL CURSOR,FIRST 0425,SECOND 3625,PERIOD ON,FCN ON[10] 5.007 MESS Position the Reference and Delta cursors so that they 5.007 MESS cover the Second and Tenth markers. 5.007 MESS 5.008 EVAL {Does the DELTA TIME measure between 7.99 and 8.01 mSec?} 6.001 MESS 6.002 DISP Disconnect the test setup. 6.003 HEAD {Frequency Response: Ch A (analog mode)} 6.004 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 6.004 DISP FREQUENCY ................. REF÷ .05 MHz 6.004 DISP OUTPUT AMPLITUDE .......... adjust 6.004 DISP AMPLITUDE MULTIPLIER ...... X .1 6.005 PIC 55sc_al (3,9,R/W) "Connect the SG 503 OUTPUT" 6.005 PIC (4,9,R/W) "to the UUT "A" input." #35.003 5500 120mVpp 50kH LS SC S L 6.006 IEEE SET AUT,MSC AUX,XPOS LOCAL,MEM OFF, 6.006 IEEE VER A,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,ATT 20E-03, 6.006 IEEE VER B,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL, 6.006 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL,TIM .1E-03[10] #35.005 5500 20 120mVpp 50kH LS SC N L 6.007 DISP Adjust the SG 503 an amplitude of 6 divisions. 6.008 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 6.008 DISP FREQUENCY ................. 100 MHz 6.008 DISP VARIABLE .................. adjust 6.009 DISP Adjust the SG 503 VARIABLE for 4.2 divisions. 6.010 MEMI Use keyboard to enter SG 503 FREQUENCY reading in MHz: 6.011 ACC 100.0MH 3.00% 6.012 MEME 6.013 MEMC MH +100% -0.1U 7.001 MESS 7.002 ASK+ N 7.003 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 7.003 DISP FREQUENCY ................. REF÷ .05 MHz 7.003 DISP OUTPUT AMPLITUDE .......... adjust 7.003 DISP AMPLITUDE MULTIPLIER ...... X .01 7.004 IEEE VER A,ATT 2E-03[10] 7.005 DISP Adjust the SG 503 an amplitude of 6 divisions. 7.006 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 7.006 DISP FREQUENCY ................. 75 MHz 7.006 DISP VARIABLE .................. adjust 7.007 DISP Adjust the SG 503 VARIABLE for 4.2 divisions. 7.008 MEMI Use keyboard to enter SG 503 FREQUENCY reading in MHz: 7.009 ACC 75.0MH 3.00% 7.010 MEME 7.011 MEMC MH +100% -0.1U #36.004 5500 2 12mVpp 50kH LS SC N L #36.007 5500 75MH -100% +0.1U mVpp LS SC L 8.001 MESS 8.002 ASK+ N 8.003 HEAD {Frequency Response: Ch A (digital mode)} 8.004 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 8.004 DISP FREQUENCY ................. REF÷ .05 MHz 8.004 DISP OUTPUT AMPLITUDE .......... adjust 8.004 DISP AMPLITUDE MULTIPLIER ...... X .1 #37.004 5500 120mVpp 50kH LS SC S L 8.005 IEEE SET AUT,MSC AUX,XPOS LOCAL,MEM ON, 8.005 IEEE VER A,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,ATT 20E-03, 8.005 IEEE VER B,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL, 8.005 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL,TIM 20E-06[10] 8.006 DISP Adjust the SG 503 an amplitude of 6 divisions. 8.007 IEEE VER A,ATT 20E-03,HOR MTB,TIM 20E-09[10] 8.008 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 8.008 DISP FREQUENCY ................. 100 MHz 8.008 DISP VARIABLE .................. adjust 8.009 DISP Adjust the SG 503 VARIABLE for 4.2 divisions. 8.010 MEMI Use keyboard to enter SG 503 FREQUENCY reading in MHz: 8.011 ACC 100.0MH 3.00% 8.012 MEME 8.013 MEMC MH +100% -0.1U #37.010 5500 100MH -100% +0.1U mVpp LS SC L 9.001 MESS 9.002 ASK+ N 9.003 IEEE VER A,ATT 2E-03,HOR MTB,TIM 20E-06[10] 9.004 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 9.004 DISP FREQUENCY ................. REF÷ .05 MHz 9.004 DISP OUTPUT AMPLITUDE .......... adjust 9.004 DISP AMPLITUDE MULTIPLIER ...... X .01 9.005 DISP Adjust the SG 503 an amplitude of 6 divisions. #38.004 5500 2 12mVpp 50kH LS SC N L 9.006 IEEE VER A,ATT 2E-03,HOR MTB,TIM 20E-09[10] 9.007 DISP Set the SG 503 front panel controls as follows: 9.007 DISP FREQUENCY ................. 100 MHz 9.007 DISP VARIABLE .................. adjust 9.008 DISP Adjust the SG 503 VARIABLE for 4.2 divisions. 9.009 MEMI Use keyboard to enter SG 503 FREQUENCY reading in MHz: 9.010 ACC 75.0MH 3.00% 9.011 MEME 9.012 MEMC MH +100% -0.1U #38.008 5500 75MH -100% +0.1U mVpp LS SC L 10.001 MESS 10.002 ASK+ N 10.003 HEAD {Rise-time: Ch.A} 10.004 DISP Set the PG 506 front panel controls as follows: 10.004 DISP PERIOD .................... 1 ęs 10.004 DISP function switch ........... FAST RISE # 4.004 DISP AMPLITUDE VARIABLE ........ in 10.005 PIC 55sc_a (3,9,R/W) "Connect the PG 506 FAST RISE" 10.005 PIC (4,9,R/W) "-1V to the UUT "A" input." 10.006 RSLT =Is the rise-time 3.5ns or less? #39.005 5500 500mVpp 1MH ED SC S L 10.007 IEEE SET AUT,MSC AUX,XPOS LOCAL,MEM OFF, 10.007 IEEE VER A,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,ATT .1E+00,FCN ON, 10.007 IEEE VER B,POS LOCAL,VAR LOCAL,FCN OFF, 10.007 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL[10] 10.008 DISP Adjust the Ch A Y POS control so that the 10.008 DISP trace is centered vertically on the screen. 10.008 DISP 10.008 DISP Adjust the X POS control so that the trace starts in the 10.008 DISP horizontal center of the screen. 10.009 DISP Adjust the PG 506 PULSE AMPLITUDE control for a UUT 10.009 DISP pulse display leading from 0% to 100%. 10.010 IEEE HOR MTB,VAR LOCAL,LEV LOCAL,TIM 50E-09,CPL DC,MGN ON[10] #39.009 5500 500mVpp 1MH ED SC S L 10.011 MESS Adjust the X POS control so that the trace crosses the 10.011 MESS intersection of the center vertical graticule line and 10.011 MESS 3rd horizontal graticule line (10% point). 10.011 MESS Calculate the rise-time by counting the number of 10.011 MESS horizontal divisions between where the trace crosses the 10.011 MESS 3rd horizontal graticule line (10% point) and the 10.011 MESS 7th horizontal graticule line (90% point). 10.011 MESS 10.012 EVAL Is the rise-time 3.5ns or less? (approx. 0.7 div. or less)? 11.001 MESS 11.002 HEAD {Vertical deflection: visual signal delay} 11.003 RSLT =Is the visual signal delay > 13ns (>2.6 div)? #40.004 5500 500mVpp 1MH ED SC S L 11.004 MESS Center the rising edge with X POS control. 11.004 MESS Set the INTENS control fully CW. 11.004 MESS 11.004 MESS Adjust the TRIG LEVEL control for maximum visual signal 11.004 MESS delay. (Trace must remain triggered) 11.004 MESS 11.005 EVAL Is the visual signal delay greater than 13ns (>2.6 div)? 12.001 MESS